Friday, November 29, 2019

Samuel Adams free essay sample

He was an excellent politician, an unsuccessful brewer, and a poor businessman. His early public office as a tax collector might have made him suspect as an agent of British authority, however he made good use of his understanding of the tax codes and wide acquaintance with the merchants of Boston. Samuel was a very visible popular leader who, along with John, spent a great deal of time in the public eye agitating for resistance. In 1765 he was elected to the Massachusetts Assembly where he served as clerk for many years.It was there that he was the first to propose a continental congress. He was a leading advocate of republicanism and a good friend of Tom Pain. In 1774, he was chosen to be a member of the provincial council during the crisis in Boston. He was then appointed as a representative to the Continental Congress, where he was most noted for his oratory skills, and as a passionate advocate of independence from Britain. We will write a custom essay sample on Samuel Adams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1776, as a delegate to the Continental Congress, he signed the Declaration of Independence.Adams retired from the Congress In 1781 and returned to Massachusetts to become a leading member of that states convention to form a constitution. In 1789 he was appointed lieutenant governor of the state. In 1794 he was elected Governor, and was re-elected annually until 1797 when he retired for health reasons. He died In the morning of October 2, 1803, In his home own of Boston. Strong opponent of British taxation, he helped organize resistance to the Stamp Act (1765) and played a vital role In organizing the Boston Tea Party.Samuel was a second cousin to U. S. President John Adams, with whom he urged a final break from Britain and signed the U. S. Declaration of Independence. It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an Irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires In peoples minds. -Samuel Adams Adams became a Democratic- Republicans (following Thomas Jefferson) when formal American political parties were created In the late 1790 s. Samuel Adams By Alicia-flask of Massachusetts, 1789; Elected Governor of Massachusetts. 1794-97.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Reflection on aims and learning from course Creative, Cultural and Social Education Essay Example

Reflection on aims and learning from course Creative, Cultural and Social Education Essay Example Reflection on aims and learning from course Creative, Cultural and Social Education Essay Reflection on aims and learning from course Creative, Cultural and Social Education Essay Essay Topic: Creative Education When bearing in mind the needs of children, from nursery all the way through to secondary school many considerations need to be taken into account. It may be useful to reflect on Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs, which can be divided into two main categories; survival needs including those which are physiological; need for food, liquid, oxygen and physical and psychological security and the second category which includes growth needs including love, self-esteem and self-actualisation. When considering the individual needs of children, teachers should think about the range of attributes and experiences, which children may bring to school and how this affects their differing educational, social and spiritual needs. Pollard Tann (1994) identifies various factors that contribute to these needs and the importance of respecting and considering all of them Factors such as sex, social class, race, language development, language styles, health and types of parental support are so numerous and complex in their effects that, although broad but important generalisations about patterns of advantage and disadvantage can be made it is foolish to generalise in specific terms about their ultimate consequences. (Pollard Tann 1994) Including all children involves valuing and using these attributes and experiences to enable each child to be respected as individuals and be given the maximum opportunity to progress. Many cultures provide rich sources of multiplicity. The different backgrounds people bring into the classroom can promote a varied learning experience for all children. The teachers bring along their own ideas, issues and plans, which may have an effect upon the teaching and learning qualities within the class. Additionally, the environment the children enter may be different to any other experience they have ever known. Culture affects everything people have, think and do as members of their society because material objects, ideas, values and attitudes, and normative or expected patterns of behaviour make up culture. Ferraro 1990:18) Due to the multi-faceted, multi-cultural society we live in, the school has a duty to plan for all of our children in order that they may play a fulfilling and dignified role within it, building on the strengths of cultural diversity. The National Advisory Council for Creative and Cultural Education (1999) (NACCCE) report upholds this view when suggesting that although schools are unable to guarantee to deliver an end to prejudice, they are in a position to help, inform and educate, therefore confronting prejudice and discrimination. (NACCCE 1999) The National Curriculum Handbook sets out the programme schools are required to teach. The Code of Practice 2000 details a continuum of need. Need can mean a variety of things and is not a unitary concept, though it does suggest a lack of something. Biologically we need food, shelter and warmth. Social needs however are the need for friends and acquaintances. When meeting these needs, the self-esteem needs, where being competent and recognised become important. In this way, needs may be seen in a variety of ways: physical, emotional, social, aesthetic, spiritual, intellectual (Maslow, cited in An Introduction to Teaching, Desforges,C. 1998) Culture can be concluded as a phenomenon that has an effect on everything. It can be defined in many ways. Culture is learned, not genetically inherited. An important definition of culture identified by Hofstede Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another. Hofstede (1980) Within the classroom the adults and children have different attitudes about their cultural identity, as perceived by them and by others. Though important to each individual, some may choose to change their own culture. In todays society this is possible, by marriage, education or immigration. Just by making the move to a neighbouring village or across the town can have an impact upon peoples own culture, changing it to whatever degree they may choose. Furthermore, some may wish to be included in more than one group, therefore becoming bicultural. Bicultural education should be an enriching experience, broadening the range of choice for cultural identity. Relations and interactions with predominant environments become inherited and remain part of the culture known and recognised. However, each generation adds something new of its own, which is then passed on, hence cultural shifts and temporal change. Each generation believes their culture to be the correct one, this may be when this is the only one learned, therefore, the indication that the need to educate our young people about diverse cultures and right and wrong is now, more than ever, a priority. This is critical when culture prescribes the behaviour that may be considered acceptable within a social group. In order that children understand the influence the past has upon the present they need to engage in historical debate. The NACCCE report further emphasises this point whilst discussing change a knowledge of the past is essential to understanding the present (NACCCE 1999), this may then help them to consider how they may influence the future (Cogan 2000). This could be in relation to environmental factors such as global, pollution and conflict between nations, not merely a political exercise. (Cogan 2000) By encouraging responsible behaviour both in and outside the classroom childrens self confidence is increased and they begin to develop social and moral responsibilites towards authority and each other. The development of links between learning that takes place in the confines of the classroom and the outside world will help children to appreciate their role as citizens. Encouraging the development of enquiry, teaching children how to communicate for different arenas and participate across a wide range of experiences will further extend childrens knowledge about what kind of citizen they want to be and indeed can be. However, due to media coverage and as a result of personal experiences it is clear that there has been a decline in the process of encouraging positive citizenship roles to the younger generation. This is further reported by the government within the Crick report (1998) and is the reason why it is now at the forefront of the education process to encourage the development of citizenship. Reports such as the Crick report have been processed to highlight the requirement of such a subject to hit right across the curriculum. Citizenship is now statutory at key stages three and four, and guidelines exist for key stages one and two. Within my current workplace citizenship has been allocated one hour per week teaching time as the headteacher recognises the importance of an early start to educating children of the role they will play in later life within society. The NACCCE outlined the importance of teaching for todays society The Government is committed to planning an education service that will meet the challenges of the twenty-first century (NACCCE 1999). Previously, provision was through general guidelines. The guidelines sought to establish development through a cross-curricular approach. Ensuring awareness was extended beyond subject knowledge in order to create a broad and balanced curriculum. A report for the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) Citizenship and Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) Team produced by Jean Rudduck, (March 2003) cited in Erickson and Schultz (1992) highlighted the importance of such work in developing pupils identity. Jackson (1922) suggests that developing voice is an important way of helping young people form a critical awareness of their own ends, means and capacities in learning an echo of the argument put forward in support of citizenship education. Schools councils may well provide this outlet for developing voice. Both in primary and secondary, schools councils are becoming more prevalent. Moreover their powers are affecting the culture of schools. However this may depend upon the school. The management of the school council may indeed have an effect on how successful it is. Some schools may hold the council as a show of tokenism. Children may well be seen to have a voice, however they have little or no choice in the issues discussed. They may not be encouraged or even allowed to formulate their own opinions. Hart emphasises this point in exclaiming that adults may be manipulative in using the childrens voices to carry out their work (Hart 1992). Newly qualified headteachers are beginning to convey in schools new initiatives and think about how schools can be enriched by providing a variety of learning. As further education and teacher training take into account research into childrens learning and the many documents published for example the Crick Report and the NACCCE report. Childrens learning can be enhanced by using a variety of strategies which develop and encourage creativity. Creativity is the theoretical framework that underpins practice. According to Peter Jenkinson (2002), creative partnership is potentially one of the most powerful programmes linking culture and education in a generation. He continues that it will provide significant shifts in schools and in the creative and cultural community. Everyone has the right to access and participate in culture, and that education understood in its broadest sense should be a key priority for all creative and cultural organisations Jenkinson, P. (2002) The NACCCE report (1999) proposes that creative and cultural education are related, creativity drawing from cultural contexts and culture a product of the complexity and diversity of human creativity. It is therefore a must that educationalists recognise this and promote them through the school curriculum (NACCCE 1999) In order for this to happen planning must be part of the process and considered in the learning outcomes. However, this can cause difficulties. The teachers hours of teaching are carefully monitored, it is very difficult for them to have the time to plan for each subject to involve so many different areas, even the most experienced teachers have difficulty. Over the previous years the focus has changed and more innovative teaching is looked for, teaching which Provides a broad range of worthwhile curricular opportunities that cater for the interests, aptitudes and particular needs of pupils taking particular account of the effect of any innovative practice Ofsted (2003) Though, the internet does provide a rich source of information. Help with planning cross-curricular work is also included in the unit plans issued by the QCA. The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is looking for evidence of this when observing schools. The framework for inspecting schools sets out guidelines; within this framework they set out the criteria in which they will inspect. Of particular significance is the detailed look at childrens relationships, the organisation of the classroom and seating in groups of children, termed streaming in some schools. Such elements may be included under the term hidden curriculum. Kelly emphasises that the hidden curriculum is those things which students learn because of the way in which the work of the school is planned and organised but which are not in themselves overtly included in the planning or even in the consciousness of those responsible for the school arrangements (Kelly 1988:8). This would agree with the findings of Roland Meighan (1981: 52) when he suggests that the hidden curriculum may be all the other things that are learnt during schooling in addition to the official curriculum cited in The Morality of The School Bottery, M. (1990). It is important to identify the significance of balancing the needs of the individual with those of society. According to Sugrue (1997) the teacher has responsibilities not only to the children, but also to society by shaping learners into good citizens and educating them in cultural traditions. Childrens needs and interests must be tempered by social requirements (Sugrue 1997) In conclusion teachers must be aware that they are contributing to tomorrows society and therefore children have a right to fulfill their potential. Schools are required to encourage learning that enables the children to succeed with societys requirements. Sugrue (1997) debates Entwistles (1970) ideas Respect for individual difference must be protected and promoted, needs and interests recognised, while wider social interests and responsibilities cannot be ignored.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Writing activities Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing activities - Article Example as a role in influencing corporate activities and consumer spending is good for the economy, but, on the other hand, I disagree that shopping is good for the soul all the time if it becomes the predominant end of a materialistic life. I agree with Livingston that purchasing power is a tool by which consumers can influence firms to become more environmentally-conscious and responsive to consumer demands, and that consumer spending can improve the economy by driving demand that influences employment and investment. Consumers, by choosing what to buy and not to buy, can definitely impact corporate activities. An example is when consumers stop buying certain brands that the media exposes as coming from firms who conduct harmful environmental practices. By boycotting these products, the consumers directly affect corporate decisions, such as when companies stop these harmful practices and change them to regain consumer trust. Aside from forcing corporations to be environmentally-conscious, consumers are also compelling companies to care for what the former care about. Consumers are now using their purchasing power to change unethical corporate practices. For instance, when Americans knew about the sweatshops of Nike in Indonesia and China, consumers forced Nike to change their contractors’ workplace conditions and wages when they boycotted the company’s products (Nisen). These are only some of the many examples how consumer power is social and political power too. Furthermore, consumer spending is a significant component in affecting economic growth. Personal consumption is currently 70% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Mathews). Clearly, consumption has a large impact on economic performance because it increases demand that drives investment and jobs. Aside from these points, I no longer agree with Livingston that shopping is good for the soul all the time if it becomes the principal end of life, instead of a means to better ends. Livingston argues that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Finance Course work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance Course work - Essay Example In which, both targets and bidders were greatly influenced by the notion of greater efficiency especially this occurred in the first great merger wave period. In the following M&A history, various studies required the presence of legal and regulatory framework with an aim of solidifying the existence along with prolonging the success stories of M&A. Despite the implementation of regulatory-cum-legal framework, hostile takeovers did take place, leaving the negative impacts on the stock price of the targets. In the subsequent part of this paper, first, M&A definitions are accounted for, which is followed by motives and theories. Subsequent to that, Merger waves periods, legal-cum-regulatory framework are elaborated. Afterwards, strategies and tactics in takeovers, the effects of M&A on firm’s stock price and stock market are explained. Before conclusion, financial objectives and case study about Burlines Group’s acquisition of Telemetry business are incorporated. Numerous definitions for types of combinations of firms have been put forwarded (Frensch, 2007, p.23). Fundamentally, mergers and acquisitions take place when a firm seeking to expand its activities into new products (Boettke, 1994, p.394). Additionally, with the objective of pursuing common economic aims, the combinations of firms come out as a result of a union of legally and economically independent firms by serving the interests of both parties. Collectively, Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) take place when two or more organizations join together in toto or in part of their business operations. However, the difference between mergers and acquisitions are associated particularly with: the relative size of the individual firms in the business combination; management control of the joint business; ownership of the combined business (Coyle, 2000). Coyle (2000) further defines its broadest definition;

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Academic Benefits of a Structured Classroom Environment Essay

The Academic Benefits of a Structured Classroom Environment - Essay Example This helps in avoiding confusion due to miscommunication, thus increasing academic productivity. Some tried and tested methods in building structure in the classroom to increase academic success are: 3. Having realistic consequences for the student's actions that are consistently and firmly enforced inspires them to make better choices. The inherent lesson is to teach students that they can control life consequences by controlling their behavior. 4. Establishing clear cut expectations and directions .Students function better when they know what is expected from them. Probability of completion of assignments increases when precise directions are given for completing every assignment and when students know exactly how the teacher will be assessing their projects. 5. Giving constant feedbacks during large tasks and break-up of large tasks into smaller manageable ones increases success rate for completion especially with young children.( Zeiger,volume2, number2). With a million definitions and explanations in research books and web sites of what is meant by structure in a classroom ,one can safely conclude that it might not mean the sa

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gibbs Reflective Cycle 1988 Nursing Essay

Gibbs Reflective Cycle 1988 Nursing Essay I am a Paramedic registered with the health professions council and this essay will look reflectively at an incident I attended during the course of my duties. The assignment will look at the moral, ethical and legal aspects of pre-hospital care with which I was challenged during this particular emergency. Confidentiality has been maintained at all times and names of individuals have been changed, I have also gained permission from the family of the patient and for the purposes of this essay I will call the patient Mr Taylor (HPC 2008) To analyse this critical incident I will use Gibbs reflective cycle. (1988). Description As a Rapid response Paramedic working for the Ambulance service I attend life threatening emergencies during my tours of duty, I work alone and am frequently dispatched to jobs as a solo resource that is without ambulance back up. The incident on which I wish to reflect occurred part way through a shift that had been up to then quiet. I received a call to attend a patient who had collapsed and was semi-conscious. On arriving I was met by a lady who was obviously distressed and she showed me to the patient who turned out to be the ladys husband, he was around 50 years old and was by this time unconscious with poor respiratory effort, I quickly requested a backup ambulance via radio and continued with my assessment of the patient and attempted to gain a history of his condition and what had happened that day. His wife told me that Mr Taylor had been well until 8 weeks before when he visited his doctor for abdominal pain and some rectal bleeding. The GP had sent him for tests at the loc al hospital within a couple of days he had been diagnosed with numerous tumours throughout his body, Bowel, liver & lung and was told it was terminal , he had been given between 3 and 6 months to live. Overall he had still been active and reasonably well until a couple of days before, when he started to deteriorate , that day she had been shopping and when she arrived home had found him in bed semi-conscious and with difficulty breathing. By this time I had gained some observations and placed oxygen on Mr Taylor. My back up ambulance arrived and I did a clinical handover to the paramedic on board it was at this point that Mrs Taylor called me to one side and told me that he wanted to pass away at home and not in hospital, he had expressed a wish not to be resuscitated, she explained that as she was alone with her son living in the south she felt she needed some help when she found him. I asked about a the Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) paperwork and she told me there wasnt any. I explained our position as Health Care Professionals and in the absence of the DNAR we had to act in his best interests. She again reiterated his wishes not to be taken to hospital or resuscitated. As my colleagues continued to assist the patient I contacted our on call Advanced Paramedic for advice , I was asked to verify there was no DNAR in situ with the patients palliative care team first, then if this was the case to contact the patients GP to see if he or she would attend as a matter of urgency. After confirming the absence of a DNAR I contacted the GP who was extremely understanding and attended within 15 minutes. Mr Taylor passed away within minutes of the GP attending. Feelings Situations that deal with someone losing their life are always hard to deal with and cause an array of emotions, in this case sadness, that this lady was losing her husband of 30 years and he was only 50, frustration and irritation of paperwork that should have been in place but was not. The Health professions council (HPC) list one of my duties as a registrant as , act within the limits of my knowledge, skills and experience and if necessary , refer the matter to another practioner (standards of conduct performance and ethics, p3 2006) on this occasion we did this and it is On occasions like this when there is a group of health care professionals I try to include everyone in the descsicon making process and it was agreed it would be wrong to ignore a persons wishes in these circumstances. His wishes had been explained to me by his wife, his palliative team and his general practioner. The Lasting memory for this lady and her family would be that her life partner died at home with his wife, exactly as he had wished. Evaluation As with any emergency situation our priority is safety and ensuring we are aware of any potential danger on scene, and performing dynamic risk assessments during the emergency. My responsibility for safety covers myself, colleague, patient, relatives and any further agencies requested to attend scene. The health and safety at work act (1974) states I should take reasonable care for my own health and safety and also that of others who could be affected by my acts or omissions. On this occasion everything was safe. Looking at the incident I feel there were lots of positives , these include fast and effective communication with the patients relative, and fast assessment of the scene, decision makimg was also quick and effective and minimised any further upset and stress to the patients wife. Conversations with our own AP and the Palliative care staff and GP all fell into place on this job and this is not the norm , we often encounter difficulties contacting various agencies within the NHS . Negatives included understanding of the DNAR side of our advanced decisions policy. Im sure most HPCs would agree that with so many modern policies and proceadures we cannot be expected to know everything , let alone little used sections of certain policies. Morally I was challenged too as my professional guidelines state that in the absence of a DNAR then you must commence resuscitation (JRCALC).2006). Analysis

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Creation of God in Apocalypse Now in Relation to Frazers The Golde

The Creation of God in Apocalypse Now in Relation to Frazer's The Golden Bough      Ã‚  Ã‚   Very rarely do filmmakers intend to create cinematic masterpieces which integrate and draw upon lush literary qualities and leave the viewer with a deeper feeling of life and death than he or she had before viewing the film. Even if some filmmakers do attempt to create a masterpiece, symbolic and complex, many fall short. However, when Francis Coppola created Apocalypse Now, he succeeded in creating a masterpiece, drawing upon the complicated story within Conrad's Heart of Darkness and the savage observations within Frazer's The Golden Bough. The character of Colonel Kurtz in both Conrad's and Coppola's works, is one of a complicated, volatile renaissance man; he is at the same time a ruthless, body collecting warrior and a artistic philosopher. Kurtz's "divinity is like fire, which under proper restraints, confers endless blessings, but if rashly touched, burns and destroys what it touches" (Frazer 13). Kurtz, as a savage icon, is capable of greatness and is brutally ma licious at the same time. Where Coppola strays from Conrad, he does so to show Kurtz's deliberate choice to become a god-like figure and be destroyed in the tradition of the savages. Through the savage beliefs of tabooed head and hair, the slaying of the divine king, and sympathetic magic, Coppola creates a more savagely realistic character in Kurtz.    Perhaps one of Col. KurtzÕs most prominent physical features in Apocalypse Now is his shaven head. Frazer explains that, to the savages, the head and hair of their divine king is tabooed, and "to touch the top of the head, or anything which had been on his head was sacrilege" (Frazer 812). To the savages, their king ra... Cambodia after he slays Kurtz because either Chef had ordered the air strike, or because Willard, eventhough he is mesmerized by the culture, is a unwavering part of the western world. Just because Willard is portrayed by Coppola as a unconventional man and can slay Kurtz in accordance with savage customs, doesn't make him a savage. Eventhough Frazer is an Englishman, Coppola believes his observations of savages are precise, and so he chooses to create his born again savage god-king, Kurtz, accordingly.       Works Cited Frazer, James. The Golden Bough. 1922. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. Vickery, James B., The Literary Aspect of 'The Golden Bough'. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1973. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Remarks on Frazer's 'Golden Bough'. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Human Press, Inc., 1979.      

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bendix Case Study

The Bended Corporation is a parts supplier for five separate business units: automotive, the Frame Corporation (filters), aerospace, industrial and energy, and international. In 1951, the Bended Corporation is credited with the invention of electronic fuel injection (EFFIE) and was in sole possession of the accompanying patent until 1978. The company had not utilized this innovation to its fullest potential due to the lack of interest in automotive manufacturers in the United States.In 1976, Douglas Crane, president of Bended Corporation's automotive division, was mulling ever the idea of embarking on the construction of a $10 million injector manufacturing plant, the main component involved EFFIE. Major Problems and Issues There are many problems facing Bender's customers in 1976, the first and most predominant being government regulations. The government has been tightening and tightening the control over pollution levels in automotive emissions as well as minimum gas mileage requi rements for each manufacturers' fleets.The major car manufacturers were unable to meet these requirements with their current fuel delivery system technology. These demands put added pressure on Bended to revived a solution in order to provide future success and to create a competitive advantage. Another major problem facing Bended was competition from a Busch, a company that Bended earlier had made an agreement with to use Bender's EFFIE technology to manufacture for the European market. Busch was planning on creating a manufacturing plant in the United States, threatening to take away some of the market share away from Bended.Another issue facing the implementation of EFFIE into the American automotive market is the phenomena that affect innovation in a large corporation. The phenomenon is that with larger economies of scale, the less the many is willing implementing a radically different solution to an old and well- known problem. The company is more willing to improve processes w ith their innovations, and then to create a whole new product line. The implementations of product innovations are more common in startups than in well-established firms such as Bended.This phenomenon can explain why EFFIE was put on the back burner and never utilized fully. [1] Possible Solutions There are three possible scenarios for the Bended Corporation when it comes to the new injector manufacturing plant. The first is Bended could build a new state of the art facility. The contract between Busch and Bended allowed them full disclosure, and each company shared their technologies and processes. Bended had a man spend several months studying the methods Busch was using in their production of injectors.The lessons that were learned during this time can be used to make a plant using new technology Second, Bended could restructure an existing facility to produce injectors. This remodel would take less time and cost less than building a brand new facility. Bended tried this strategy when they started producing their own electronic control units (CEO) by adding production to their radio manufacturing facility. This initial failure was remedied when Crane took control over the SEC production and got the right team together in order to meet a contract with Cadillac.Lastly, Bended could cancel the new facility and supply the injectors from an outside firm. This strategy that Bended used early in its EFFIE production. Although it does not contain the capital costs of tooling and/or building a facility. This solution has the issue that the current suppliers cannot meet the numbers Bended is looking to supply when/if EFFIE becomes the standard. Recommended Actions The issues that are facing the automotive industry are a factor that will change the environment for these companies causing them to have to make fundamental changes in fuel delivery systems.These changes will become an opportunity for Bended to pursue EFFIE as the solution for the future regulations and pe rformance standards expected by the American customers. For Bended to become a leader in EFFIE, they will need to have a competitive, and they will not be able to when they are supplying injectors from their competitors. Bended will have to become more vertically integrated by producing their own injectors and using the knowledge they have from their time observing Busch, they can produce them more efficiently and tit less waste. The action I would recommend for Crane to pursue is creating their own brand new injector facility.The facility will be able supply the future needs for EFFIE due to regulations. Bended will be able to compete and beat Busch in the market due to superior processes. To get past the phenomena such as stated earlier their needs to be a strong leader championing this endeavor and Crane has already proven himself with the SEC project. [2] Conclusion In conclusion, there are a plethora of factors outside of the control of the market such as government regulation and management phenomena inside a large corporation. A company can come up with a solution that may not useful at the time such as in this case.There was no need at the time for EFFIE at its invention because of the less stringent pollution and mileage standards but as time progresses EFFIE became a more and more plausible solution. Whatever choice Bended made, EFFIE is now standard on all cars and carburetors are a thing of the past. Bibliography [1] Abernathy, W. , & Turtleback, J. (2014). Pattern of Industrial Innovation. Innovation Management (1-9). Romania, NY: Lines Learning. [2] Schumacher, T. (2014, May 22). Gunfire at Sea. Youth. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from HTTPS://www. Youth. Com/

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Relationships between Throwing Mechanics and Shoulder Distra essays

Relationships between Throwing Mechanics and Shoulder Distra essays This article entitled, Relationships between Throwing Mechanics and Shoulder Distraction in Professional Baseball Pitchers, discusses the strain and increased susceptibility to injury within the shoulder that comes from the extreme forces and torques when pitching a baseball. The article focuses on a study that was done on 40 professional pitchers during the 1998 Cactus League spring training. Using high-speed video data and other specialized instruments, scientists were able to produce some evidence to support the always evident theory that pitching at a higher velocity and bigger work loads, more innings pitched, causes more stress on the shoulder and elbow. These researches came up with many numbers that were a little difficult for me to understand but with their tools, research, and data they explained why pitchers are so injury prone and why ...50% of pitchers experience shoulder or elbow injury sufficient enough to keep them from throwing at some point in their career. A distraction force equal to body weight acts on the shoulder joint as the ball is released from the hand. This force acts along the upper arm as tendons pull the arm away from the joint. When pitching distraction occurs at eh elbow and shoulder joints as the energy in the throwing arm is quickly degenerated after the explosive instant of ball release. Throwing over handed as baseball pitchers do is not a normal movement associated with the body movement and puts an incredible amount of stress on the elbow and shoulder joint. Whereas, throwing under handed as softball players do is and rarely have shoulder or elbow problems. This study was done not only to asse ss the related injuries to pitching but to also provide scientific basis for improved preventive and rehabilitative protocols for baseball pitchers, which could benefit coaches and trainers and more importantly, the pitchers. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Shark Fins Essay Example

Shark Fins Essay Example Shark Fins Essay Shark Fins Essay Should we eat sharks’ fins? Shark’s fin soup is a delicacy which is enjoyed by many people around the world, especially the Chinese as they believe that it symbolizes wealth, honour and respect. However, the practice of cutting off sharks’ fins alive and then throwing them back into the sea had caused increasing awareness and ire of animal rights and environment advocates. Statistics have estimated that one hundred million sharks are killed every year, not considering the fact that these numbers are still increasing. In my personal viewpoint, I feel that sharks’ fins should not be consumed due to ethical, environmental and health issues. It is immorally incorrect to cut off sharks’ fins alive and then throwing them back into the sea. By doing so, we are inflicting excruciating pain and suffering to the sharks. Science research has shown that there is actually in fact no great biological divide between humans and animals. Darwin demonstrated how animals and humans are clearly linked through evolutionary continuity and recent research has even shown that similar nervous systems as humans and respond to pain like we do. It is highly inhumane and cruel to slaughter sharks in such a way that they have to experience so much agony just for the sake of our desires and craves. There is no reason for the very fact of humanity’s superiority over other animals means we have the reason to exploit other species. It is only reasonable for us to leave sharks alone when they have not caused much harm to us in any way. Since it is incorrect for us to kill sharks, we should deter ourselves from craving for sharks’ fins. Additionally, by killing such a great number of sharks would lead to environmental issues. One of the impacts would be the imminent extinction of the shark species. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 143 shark species which is over 55 percent of the shark species are facing a high risk of extinction either now or in the near future. It has also been discovered that excessive fishing has caused a 90 percent decline in shark populations across the world’s oceans and up to 99 percent along the United States east coast. Another impact would be an imbalance in the ecological system. In the natural world, all elements of an ecosystem are interconnected and depend on each other in one way or another. Sharks, being the top predator, act as caretakers of the environment, picking off the smaller and weaker species, but helping to ensure healthy populations and a balanced ecosystem. Hence, if the shark population is wiped out from the eco system, it will have a devastating impact on other species within the marine environment. Some of these species are valuable sources of food, and economic gains. Therefore, environmental concern is one of the most crucial reasons why we should not consume sharks’ fins. Besides being morally wrong and creating harm to the environment, eating shark fin has been proven to be harmful to our bodies. Some people have claimed health benefits of sharks’ fin soup. However, these claims are unfounded. Instead, in fact, sharks contain a high level of mercury which would cause damage to the human central nervous system and birth defects in infants. The United States Environmental Protection Agency caution consumers that sharks, with their long life spans of fifty plus years, absorb and store significant amounts of mercury in their fins often at high level. Additionally, it is discovered that sharks’ fins are often treated with hydrogen peroxide so as to make their colours more appealing to consumers. Moreover, there have been several cases in which business companies sell fake shark’s fins for the benefit of economic gains. The China Daily in Beijing and Japanese language Hong Kong Post have reported on phony fins sold as pure sharks’ fins sold through Asia and North America. Generally, most of these cases involve bogus fins made from a variety of ingredients before being bleached white with highly corrosive chemicals. The consumption of these bogus fins is definitely harmful to health. Given the adverse effects on human health, sharks’ fins should hence not be eaten. In conclusion, sharks’ fins should not be consumed due to the several negative impacts it will bring to the environment and our health, even to the extent of sacrificing our moral values.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Airline Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 2

Airline Industry - Essay Example nt situation of fast changing of environment in air transport, the professionals in aviation sector must have access to highly developed and comprehensive knowledge including in-depth understanding of the requirements of the airline industry globally (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011). The incident of September 11 had certain worst economic effects on the airline industry. This had caused dramatic dropdown in passenger demand as well as high costs to a large extent. However, the industry was facing worst period before as well. Thus, it contributed problem for the industry besides having problems for passengers (FRBSF Economic Letter, 2002) In this paper the functions and principles of management towards airline industry have been explained in brief. The role of human resource manager and major issues of human resource management in air transport industry have been mentioned. The issues related to safety and security in airline industry along with their importance has also been highlighted in the paper. The airline industry is one of the competitive industries because accuracy and safety are required in such area. Thus, the functions of the management are to make the task process efficient and reliable so that it can safeguard the business of airlines as well as the lives of passengers. The various functions and principles of aviation industry are planning, leading or motivating, organising and controlling. The purpose of planning is to create effective strategy that will facilitate to achieve the goals of any industry. The planning process includes scope, goals, objectives and statements of the organisation. It also includes analysis of external environment, threats and opportunities of the industry. Planning and controlling are vital parts of any organisation as both are required for smooth functioning of the management of industry. Strategic planning in airports provides emphasis to safety as well as security of the travelling

Saturday, November 2, 2019

World Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

World Religion - Essay Example This has been made possible through equation of the chariot to the body; here the body has been depicted as only as a carrier that will need so many other aspect to function well. The body is equated as independent, however, dependent to function, minds have been equated to the reins; in this passage, they depict the minds as the aspects that are on the control. Intellect has been equated to the captain or director of the chariot and the owner of the chariot have been equated to atman (self). The idea behind the passage is to bring into the fore that atman is very independent of body, mind and intellect. That atman as the controller of the chariot, which is equated to the body though independent, is the owner of the body. The intuition is the mind the reins, the chariot-driver, the senses the horses, and the objects of the senses the paths. It goes ahead and explains that those with undisciplined minds would never reach their goal and end up being reincarnated. Those of disciplined mind will always reach their goals, and will not have to go through the rebirth cycle. In my opinion, this is not a realistic approach to reality, since there is nothing that can be compared to the final reality. There is no analogy in all the ideas that is comparable to what it is understood to be. The scope of these analogies is limited to point it out (Smith p50). Buddhism arose in the 500 B.C in rebellion against Vedantic Hinduism of that time. It advocated for individual effort, explicit language and uncomplicated means. The question of Buddhism is about removing the arrow of suffering came in to context because of the message of the Buddha, which described his message as the Four Noble Truths making up the basic means Buddhism advocated (Smith p117). Life as suffering is one of the four means making up the four noble truths. It starts by explaining life as accompanied by inevitable pain (pain that we must endure as